Laurel Electronics
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Panel Meters - Counters - Timers - Transmitters, 4-20 mA & Modbus - Ethernet - USB - RS485 - RS232

LTE DIN Rail Transmitters, 4-20 mA & Ethernet Serial Data Outputs

Same high performance, signal conditioning and programmable features as Laureate digital panel meters, counters & timers.
Ethernet transmitter


  • Ethernet serial data interface, isolated, Modbus TCP or Laurel ASCII protocol
  • 4-20 mA or 0-10V transmitter output, jumper selectable, isolated
  • Analog output resolution 0.0015% of span (16 bits), accuracy ±0.02% of span
  • Dual 120 mA solid state relays for alarm or control, isolated
  • 5V, 10V or 24V dc transducer excitation output, isolated (most models)
  • Universal 85-264 Vac / 90-300 Vdc or 10-48 Vdc / 12-32 Vac power
  • DIN rail housing with detachable screw-clamp connectors
  • Easy network setup using PC-based Node Manager Software and built-in Web Server
  • Easy transmitter setup using PC-based Instrument Setup Software
  • Signal conditioning for most industrial analog or pulse transducer signals

LTE Transmitter Selector Guide

  LTE Transmitter Signal Input & Function  Model  
1 Quad 4-20 mA Loop Splitter QLS    
2 DC Voltage or Current LTE-DC
3 AC RMS Voltage or Current LTE-RM
4 Process Voltage or Current LTE-P
5 Strain Gauge or Potentiometer Follower LTE-SG
6 Load Cell & Microvolt Signals LTE-WM
7 Thermocouple (Types J, K, T, E, N, R, S) LTE-TC
8 RTD Temperature LTE-RTD
9 Resistance in Ohms LTE-R
10 Frequency, Rate, Speed LTE-FR
11 Pulse Input Totalizer LTE-FR
12 Process Signal Totalizer LTE-VF
13 Sum, Difference, Ratio, Product of 2 Inputs LTE-FR
14 On/Off Duty Cycle LTE-FR
15 Stopwatch Timing for Single Events LTE-FR
16 Average Time of Periodic Events LTE-FR
17 AC Phase Angle and Power Factor LTE-FR
18 Quadrature Position or Rate LTE-QD

LTE Series Transmitter Product Line Overview

Transmitter Ethernet port

Laureate LTE Series DIN rail transmitters & signal conditioners come with an Ethernet interface (isolated), a 4-20 mA or 0-10V analog output (isolated), dual 120 mA solid state AC/DC relays (isolated), and a transducer excitation output (isolated, models other than for temperature or AC RMS).

LTE transmitters can be interfaced to a wide range of sensors and transducers using one of seven seven available signal conditioner boards. The transmitters duplicate the high performance (high accuracy, high read rate) and extensive programmable features of Laureate 1/8 DIN digital panel meters, counters and timers. They utilize the same signal conditioner boards, much of the same firmware, and the same Windows-based Instrument Setup Software. They come in a compact DIN rail mount package with detachable screw-clamp connectors for signal and power.

LTE transmitters can be connected directly to a Local Area Network (LAN) via an Ethernet cable and allow remote readings over the Internet. Modbus TCP and the simpler Laurel ASCII communication protocols are fully supported. Please see our Modbus Communications Manual and our Serial ASCII Communications Manual. Node discovery and transmitter setup are by means of Instrument Setup Software, which is downloadable and free of charge. Additonal Node Manager Software, which is also downloadable and free of charge, provides utilities to configure each node, such as naming the node, entering email addresses for alarm notification and data requests, selecting the node's time zone for time-stamping of streaming data, setting communication parameters, setting static IP addresses if required, and updating node firmware.

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